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NBC Acknowledges the Contributions of Bridal Reflections and Brides Across America to Our Military

NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams featured a segment on Bridal Reflections and our contribution to the Brides Across America program on Monday, December 26th.

This week’s edition of the “Making a Difference on the HomeFront” segment featured Bridal Reflections and our continuing contribution to the “Brides Across America” program. As part of this program we donate wedding dresses to military personnel (and/or their fiances) who have been deployed within the past 5 years to Iraq, Afghanistan, Qatar, Bahrain, Libya, Kuwiat and Japan and have not had a formal wedding.

Bridal Reflections is honored to help our service men and women in this way and has donated hundreds of gowns to the cause over the years.

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